Monday, January 12, 2009

The Purpose Of The Past

~ Without studying the past we wouldn't understand our culture. How our religions exist and how they all some how relate. To figure out how they branch off from each other or why you have to do certain things if you believe in that religion.
~ Wouldn't understand how things were invented and by who. With out Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Guglielmo Marconi we wouldn't have the telephone, light bulb, and radio. Without these we wouldn't be able to communicate with each other and other countries. Studying these people makes you appreciate the things we have.
~To understand why people in earlier times dressed dramatically different from us. How women came about by dressing so drastically different from past years to know. Why women were only to stay at home to clean and cook. As the years went on women were able to work in factories during the wars. They started to get more rights dressed different because they had more freedom.
~How we came to live were we do and how it was possible to cross so much land and water. Indians were in America but how did they get here and where did they travel from. When European countries wanted to explore the Americas who invented the boats and the way to keep them afloat to get here. How did they know where they were going once in the middle of the ocean. Using a compass but who invented the compass.
~ These are all questions you learn about in history that is why we study history, to figure out how everything started.

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